Sunday, 21 January 2007


I just love the colours. But I need to know can you spot the line of jelly bellies I have put through this??

Pride of England

Ok well I was having a day of just photographing stuff in my house. I've been pretty happy with the results. I am really loving this nifty fifty and wish I had gotten it ages earlier.

Saturday, 20 January 2007


I'm really loving this one. The green is so vibrant and I managed to not blow out the highlights. Makes you just wanna take a bite. As always comment away.

Tuesday, 16 January 2007


I liked the symmetry of this shot. Also I felt kinda like we were seeing the train post apocolypse and everyone has disappeared from the train. Does it work?? Is it too boring?

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Well it may not be the worlds best pic but I love the patina on the wood. This was a train car that was rather beat up (more pics to come) and I just thought about how many hands had touched this one handle (think of the germs!) and well it moved me a little. It is a time capsule in its own right.

Saturday, 13 January 2007

York Talk Photography Trip

Well the wonderful folks at Talk Photography had a meet in York today. First thing we did was go to the rail museum. I love this Unicorn on the front of one of the locomotives. Again this was with my 50mm f1.8.

Wednesday, 10 January 2007


Compression is really killing some of these photos. Anyway I'm into not just photography but current events. Two different people got me these 2 books and well I found the fact that you can't get 2 more opposite gifts funny. Plus I got a 50mm f1.8 for Christmas and I love the shallow depth of field!

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

I guess there isn't anything really special about this photo but I loved the colours on these dark dreery days. Also the great texture. The textiles from that part of the world are just absolutely beautiful.

Sunday, 7 January 2007

I love architecture and strong lines. This had that and texture. Hope I did it justice.
Keegan in a his usual smiley mode. I have gone back and reedited this due to some constructive criticism.